As I fantasize/prepare for my summer of sun and beaches I realize that I haven't purchased swimwear in four years!!!! I know! I think I may have forgotten how to. I don't even know where to begin. Ok that's a lie, I know that I want a two piece. Oh and I do not want a bandeau...they're soooo cute until you get hit by a big wave, come up for air, start wiping the salt water from your eyes and notice that people are staring at
After a few hours of looking for my dream bikini, I had an epiphany...I hate bikinis. I don't hate that they exist or what they represent (summer summer summer time!!!), I just don't love them as much as a nice bra, panties or clothes. I'm a clothes person. My boyfriend always asks me why I wear my clothes up to my boobs. "Up to my boobs equals high-waisted in my world", is what I say. "Plus this way my ass doesn't jump up out of my pants when I ride my bike, look at the bottles of wine on the bottom shelf, sit in a chair...the list goes on. I digress. My point being, when it comes to clothes more is more. I do love lingerie and really enjoy buying it, but when it comes to bikinis I have a harder time dropping my hard earned yen one.
I remember once my friend Rachel being shocked that I match my lingerie everyday. To me it's part of the outfit, to her "no one can see it". She's right, but I don't care. It makes me happy. I currently have two bikinis, an all white one and an all black one. I'm almost certain that my 2010 bikini is going to be the black bottoms and I'll alternate the black and white tops. Unless, of course, some stunning swimwear comes my way but that is just sooooo unlikely. Japanese fashion draws inspiration from everything imaginable except for the beach.
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